What The Trending Topics helps you find out what's trending on Twitter and why. When a new topic becomes popular on Twitter, it's listed as a "trending topic." These topics may take the form of short phrases (i.e. Michael Jackson) or hashtags (i.e. #iranelection or #WTFree).
- Change trending location
- List of trending topics by location
- List of tweets by trending topics
- Retweet, Reply, Share, and Tweet via many twitter apps (i.e. Tweetdeck, Twidroyd, Twitter, Seesmic, Twicca, Plume, TweetCaster, Seesmic, etc)
- Explanation or reason about the trending topic (from What The Trend)
- View tweet on twitter website
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</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">Apa itu Trending Topics membantu Anda mencari tahu apa yang tren di Twitter dan mengapa. Ketika topik baru menjadi populer di Twitter, itu terdaftar sebagai "trending topic." Topik-topik ini dapat berupa frase pendek (yaitu Michael Jackson) atau hashtags (# yaitu iranelection atau # WTFree).
- Perubahan tren lokasi
- Daftar trending topics menurut lokasi
- Daftar tweet dengan trending topics
- Retweet, Reply, Share, dan Tweet via twitter banyak aplikasi (yaitu TweetDeck, Twidroyd, Twitter, Seesmic, twicca, Plume, TweetCaster, Seesmic, dll)
- Penjelasan atau alasan tentang trending topic (dari What The Trend)
- Lihat tweet di website twitter
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